Gmo Opinion

This section will be just my opinion of GMOs. It comes from all the research, study time, and following different arguments for and against GMOs. I believe we need GMOs, but I also believe we need more research on GMOs. Let me explain.

Our world population is growing at an exponential rate and with the increase of people, comes the increase for food. The only other option for non-gmo crops is to go organic. Organic farming is extremely time consuming and very labor intensive. It would make farming thousands of acres very difficult to almost impossible. Not to mention that if it could happen, the prices of food would sky rocket. With GMOs we also see a reduction in pesticide usage. Thirty years ago, farmers were spraying herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides on their crops. Now it can be just one pesticide instead of three. Gmos are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, United States Department of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Which means that before the GMO is released to the public, it has to go through extensive research to deem it safe. Not to mention that almost every major university has done some sort of research on GMOs to see if they are safe.

Now I will not argue that GMOs need more research done on them. They are still relatively new and they have not passed the test of time. We do not know the effects GMOs will have on the future, which can be scary. Scientist are still running those tests and so far, they are still safe. My new favorite argument about GMOs is that we are playing God and we should not do that. In a way, scientists are. God made us and He gave us the ability to think and learn. What if this was His way to help us feed, cloth, and assist our fellow man?

These blogs are the facts about GMOs, their history, their science, and themselves. I believe my opinion about GMOs to be solid but now the real question comes into play. What do you believe?


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Gmo History

To view Blog one, click here! GMO History

Gmo Science

To view Blog two about GMOs, click here! GMO Science

Gmo Examples

To view the Blog three, click here! GMO Examples